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Non Copyright Music for Educational Purposes

Discover how to enrich your educational projects with royalty-free music: sources, tools, and legal guidelines in a concise guide for educators. Learn how to use music creatively and ethically in the classroom - start transforming your teaching today!

Fantasy Nature
Over the Sea
The Spy
Just Playing

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Music Plans

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We currently offer 241 songs from 30 different genres


Don't take our word for it

“I was skeptical at first but Legis Music has exceeded my expectations. Their music library is diverse and constantly updated, making it easy to find the perfect track for any project. Plus, the peace of mind that comes with that royalty-free license is priceless.”

Kate Alexander
Kate Alexander
Marketing Department

“@legismusic has made my life as a video editor so much easier. The lifetime license is a no-brainer and the fact that I don’t have to worry about clearing channels or getting copyright strikes is a huge weight off my shoulders. The affordable cost and extensive music library make it the go-to source for all my music needs.”

Anthony Davila
Anthony Davila
Content Creator

“As a podcast creator, finding the right music to complement my content can be a challenge, but Legis Music has made it so easy. Their lifetime licenses are affordable and the fact that I can use the music on Spotify and Apple Music is a huge relief. A no-brainer for any podcaster.”

Cheryl B.
Cheryl B.
Podcast Host

“I was blown away by the value offered by Legis Music's lifetime royalty-free licenses. The cost is incredibly affordable and having the peace of mind to use the music for my clients without worrying about copyright strikes is priceless. I highly recommend this to anyone in need of music for their projects.”

Claire Simpson
Claire Simpson

“It was important for me to find a cost-effective solution for my company’s music needs. Legis Music’s business plan was the perfect fit and the lifetime licenses have been a game-changer. We can now use the music for all of our projects without any worries about copyright strikes. Highly recommend to any business in need of music.”

Logan Hamilton
Logan Hamilton
Business Owner

“The quality of the music is top-notch, and the licensing terms are crystal clear, saving me from any copyright hassles.”

Mark Johnson
Mark Johnson
Audiobook creator

“Legis Music has improved the way I create content. The selection of royalty-free music is great and the quality is unbeatable. I can now add the perfect sound to my videos without any stress or added costs. Highly recommended!”

Patrick Oliver
Patrick Oliver

“I've been using Legis Music for my YouTube channel for the past few months, and I couldn't be happier with the service.”

Sarah Thompson
Sarah Thompson
Youtube Channel Manager

“As a video game creator, having access to high-quality music for my games is crucial. @legismusic lifetime licenses are a steal and the fact that I don’t have to worry about any type of copyrights in the future is a huge relief. The extensive library makes it easy to find the perfect tracks for my games.”

Dennis Garcia
Dennis Garcia
Game Developer

“The audio quality is excellent, and I've never experienced any copyright issues since using their music. The licensing terms are transparent, which is essential for content creators like myself.”

Emily Rodriguez
Emily Rodriguez
Content Creator

“As a freelance producer, I need to keep costs down and Legis Music has been a huge help for me. The user-friendly platform and affordable pricing make it easy for me to access top-notch music for my clients. Anyone in need of royalty-free music should give it a shot.”

Lauren K.
Lauren K.

In the vibrant tapestry of modern education, music plays an essential role, weaving threads of creativity, emotion and connection into the canvas of learning.

Since time immemorial, music has been a cornerstone in the educational process, **transcending cultural and linguistic barriers to become a universal source of inspiration and knowledge. **

However, in the digital age, the use of music in educational settings has become intertwined with the complex legal framework of copyright, presenting both opportunities and obstacles for educators and students alike.

This article sets out to explore the vast landscape of royalty-free music for educational purposes, **an invaluable resource that promises to unleash music’s creative and pedagogical potential while navigating the regulated waters of intellectual property. **

By delving into the history, importance, and practical applications of music free of copyright restrictions, we seek to offer an essential guide for those who wish to enrich the educational process through music, while respecting the intellectual property laws that protect creators and their works.

Basic concepts

In the universe of music used in educational and creative contexts, **it is essential to distinguish between several key terms that are often misunderstood or used interchangeably. **

These terms define not only the legality of the use of certain pieces of music but also the opportunities and limitations that each type of music presents for educational projects.

  • Royalty-free: Contrary to what the term may suggest, royalty-free music is not exempt from all copyrights. It actually refers to a form of licensing that, for a one-time payment, allows the user to use the music without paying royalties for each individual use or playback. Public Domain: Music that has fallen into the public domain is truly royalty-free, meaning that it can be used, modified and distributed without restriction. This usually occurs because the copyright has expired, or the creator has explicitly waived those rights. Public domain music offers unparalleled flexibility for educators and content creators.
  • Public Domain: Music that has fallen into the public domain is truly royalty-free, meaning that it can be used, modified and distributed without restriction. This usually occurs because the copyright has expired, or the creator has explicitly waived those rights. Public domain music offers unparalleled flexibility for educators and content creators.
  • Creative Commons licenses: Creative Commons licenses represent a modern effort to facilitate the legal use and distribution of creative works, including music. These licenses allow creators to specify which uses of their work are permitted, such as modification, commercial use or distribution, thus promoting a rich and accessible cultural exchange.

Understanding these distinctions is crucial to navigating the landscape of music in educational projects with confidence and legality.

By clarifying these concepts, we hope to equip educators, students and content creators with the knowledge necessary to choose the best music for their projects while respecting the rights of the original creators.

Importance of royalty-free music in education.

At the intersection of art and education, **music emerges as an invaluable pedagogical tool, capable of transcending language and cultural barriers to touch the hearts and minds of students. **

However, the use of music in educational settings is often hampered by copyright restrictions, limiting the ability of educators to integrate this powerful tool into their lessons.

Herein lies the vital importance of royalty-free music, a resource that not only removes these legal barriers but also opens up a world of pedagogical possibilities.

Educational benefits

  • Fostering creativity and innovation: Music can serve as a powerful tool for stimulating creativity in students. By having access to music without copyright restrictions, educators can incorporate it into creative projects, musical compositions, and classroom activities without worrying about legal infringement. This fosters an environment where innovation is welcomed and encouraged.
  • Enhanced interdisciplinary learning: Using royalty-free music in the classroom allows teachers to design lessons that cross traditional subject boundaries, connecting music with history, the arts, literature, and more. This interdisciplinary approach not only enriches the educational experience but also helps students see connections between different fields of study.
  • Expanded access to educational resources: Royalty-free music is, by nature, more accessible to schools and educators, allowing for broader integration of music resources into the curriculum. This is especially important in contexts with limited budgets where the acquisition of music licenses can be prohibitively expensive.

Emotional and cognitive impact

  • Improving concentration and academic performance: Studies have shown that certain types of music can have a positive effect on students’ concentration and academic performance. By including royalty-free music in the learning environment, educators can experiment with different genres and styles to find those that best support concentration and information retention.
  • Stimulating emotional connection and empathy: Music has the power to evoke emotions and foster empathy. By using music in the classroom, educators can facilitate discussions about emotions, culture, and shared human experiences, helping students develop a greater understanding and appreciation for the perspectives of others.
  • Reducing stress and improving well-being: The inclusion of relaxing and uplifting music in the educational environment can help reduce stress and improve students’ overall well-being. This is particularly relevant at times of exams or major projects, where anxiety can negatively affect performance.

Royalty-free music not only enriches the educational process by providing a versatile and accessible tool for learning, but also **plays a crucial role in the emotional and cognitive development of students. **

By leveraging available music resources, educators can create more dynamic, inclusive and stimulating learning environments that foster both academic success and personal development for students.

Royalty-free music sources

In education, access to non-copyright infringing music is essential for the development of teaching materials, presentations, multimedia projects and educational videos.

This section explores various sources of royalty-free music available to educators and students, offering practical guidance for locating and using these resources.

Free music libraries

Free music libraries are online repositories that offer a wide range of musical compositions that can be used without worrying about copyright restrictions.

These libraries often categorize music by genre, mood, instrument, duration, etc., making it easy for users to find the perfect track for their projects.

Some of the most popular libraries include:

  • Free Music Archive (FMA) : A platform rich in a variety of genres and styles, ideal for educational projects that require unique music.
  • Jamendo Music : Offers music under Creative Commons licenses, allowing its use in non-commercial projects.
  • Incompetech : Created by composer Kevin MacLeod, this site is known for its wide variety of royalty-free background music.

Online platforms for educators

In addition to free music libraries, there are platforms specifically designed to meet the needs of educators.

These platforms provide not only music, but also other educational resources.

Some highlights include:

  • EduTube : Combines educational video resources with musical selections suitable for the educational environment
  • Teachers Pay Teachers: Although known for its teaching materials, it also offers music resources created by educators for educators.

Musicians and Creators Communities

Participating in online communities of musicians and creators can be a great way to find original music and connect directly with artists to request permission for use.

Platforms such as SoundCloud and Bandcamp host independent musicians who are often willing to share their music for educational purposes under certain conditions.

By interacting with these communities, it is possible to discover unique tracks and potentially collaborate on educational projects, providing an enriching experience for both students and artists.

Important considerations

When using music from these sources, it is crucial to review and respect the specific licenses under which each track is offered.

Although the music may be free, there are often conditions, such as the need for attribution to the author, limitations on commercial use, or restrictions on modification of the work.

Concluding with a call for responsible and creative exploration of royalty-free music can greatly enrich educational projects while promoting respect for copyright and intellectual property.

How to use royalty-free music in education

Royalty-free music offers a valuable resource for enriching educational material, but its effective use requires understanding and planning. Here we explore how to integrate this type of music into different educational contexts.

Integration into projects and presentations

Music can significantly enhance the quality of student projects and presentations by providing an emotional background that reinforces the message.

To integrate royalty-free music:

  • Track selection: choose music that complements the tone and theme of the presentation. Use filters by genre, mood or instrumentation to find the right track.
  • Audio editing: Incorporate the music using audio editing software, adjusting the volume to ensure that it does not overshadow the main voice or content.
  • Synchronization: Carefully align music with key points in the presentation to visually reinforce the message.

Use in educational videos and course materials

Educational videos benefit greatly from an appropriate musical background, which can keep students’ attention and improve information retention:

  • Narration and music: Make sure the music supports the narration without competing with it. Soft background music is ideal during speech, while louder themes can stand out in introductions and conclusions.
  • Licenses and permissions: Always check the license of the music selected to confirm that its use is permitted in educational materials, especially if it will be shared publicly.

Creating immersive learning environments

Music can create a more immersive and engaging learning environment, whether online or in the physical classroom:

  • Classroom background music: Use soft instrumental music to reduce background noise and help students focus.
  • Educational simulations and games: Incorporate music to increase immersion in educational simulations or role-based games by selecting themes that fit the historical or cultural context.

The use of royalty-free music in educational settings still requires an understanding of legal considerations to ensure compliance with copyright laws.

Understanding licenses and restrictions

It is essential to understand the different licenses under which music is offered:

  • Creative Commons : Several types of Creative Commons licenses allow the use of music with different restrictions, such as attribution, non-commercial, no derivative works, etc.
  • Public domain: Music in the public domain can be used without restrictions, but it is important to verify that it is actually in the public domain in your jurisdiction.

How to properly attribute

Proper attribution is crucial when using music under licenses that require it. This includes providing credit to the original author, the title of the work, the license under which it is distributed, and a link to the work, if possible.

Permitted use cases and specific restrictions

  • Educational vs. commercial use: Differentiate between non-commercial educational use and any use that could be considered commercial, even in educational contexts, such as the sale of online courses.
  • Modifications: Some licenses allow modification of the original work (e.g., cutting or mixing), while others do not. Be sure to follow the applicable restrictions.

Conscious and responsible use of royalty-free music not only enriches educational materials but also teaches students about the importance of respect for intellectual property and copyright.

Tools and resources for educators

The implementation of royalty-free music in education is greatly facilitated by the use of tools and resources designed to help educators find, select, and use music effectively.

Below are some of the most valuable resources and how they can be leveraged in educational contexts.

Audio and video editing software

  • Audacity : Un programa de edición de audio de código abierto que permite a los usuarios grabar, editar y mezclar pistas de audio. Es ideal para proyectos estudiantiles que requieren personalización de pistas de música, como podcasts o presentaciones multimedia.
  • DaVinci Resolve: Un software de edición de video que incluye herramientas avanzadas para la edición de audio. Permite a los educadores y estudiantes incorporar y ajustar música en proyectos de video, asegurando que el audio complemente el contenido visual sin dominarlo.
  • GarageBand (para usuarios de Mac): Una aplicación que ofrece una amplia gama de herramientas para crear música o podcasts. Los educadores pueden utilizarlo para componer fondos musicales personalizados para videos educativos o presentaciones.
  • YouTube Audio Library: Offers a wide range of free music tracks and sound effects that can be used in any video created for YouTube, ideal for educational video projects.
  • Free Music Archive: As mentioned above, this is a repository of music organized by genre, mood, and license, making it easy to find the perfect track for a project.
  • SoundCloud: Some artists publish their music under Creative Commons licenses on this platform, allowing its use in educational projects with proper attribution.

These tools and resources are indispensable for educators who wish to incorporate music into their teaching materials and student projects in a legal and effective manner.

Using quality editing software and accessing reliable repositories of royalty-free music not only enriches the educational experience, but also teaches students important skills in handling digital technologies and respecting intellectual property.

The key is to select the resources that best suit the needs of the educational project and become familiar with them to maximize their potential.

With the right knowledge and tools, music can transform educational materials, making learning a more dynamic, emotional and memorable experience.

Challenges and limitations

The integration of royalty-free music in education, while offering numerous benefits, is not without its challenges and limitations.

Recognizing these obstacles is the first step to effectively overcoming them and making the most of the musical resources available.

Quality and diversity of available music

One of the most significant challenges is finding royalty-free music that is of high quality and specifically suited to the needs of an educational project.

While there is a lot of music available, not all of it may be suitable in terms of genre, tone, or production quality.

Solution: Explore a wide range of repositories and platforms. Spending time searching can uncover hidden gems that will enrich the educational material. Also, consider collaborating with local or online musicians who may be willing to create or adapt their music for educational purposes.

Technical and access limitations

Lack of access to advanced audio/video editing software or lack of technical skills to use these tools can limit educators’ ability to effectively integrate music into their educational resources.

Solution: Take advantage of free resources and online learning platforms to improve technical skills. Software such as Audacity and open source video editing tools can suffice for most educational projects and come with active support communities.

Superar la barrera de la curva de aprendizaje

For educators less familiar with copyright, music licensing and editing software, there can be a significant initial learning curve.

Solution: Seek out specific trainings on copyright and Creative Commons licensing. Many organizations and libraries offer workshops and educational resources on these topics. Participating in online communities and forums can also provide support and guidance.

Additional considerations

  • Cultural and contextual sensitivity: It is essential to consider the cultural and contextual relevance of the music selected to ensure that it is appropriate and respectful of the subject matter and audience. This requires a thorough understanding of the context in which the music will be used.
  • Changes in copyright laws: Copyright laws are constantly evolving, and what is permissible at any given time may change. Keeping up to date with local and international laws is crucial to avoid inadvertent infringement.

Despite the challenges, incorporating royalty-free music into education offers an invaluable opportunity to enrich learning and foster creativity.

As educators overcome these limitations, they can discover new ways to integrate music into their teaching, thereby enhancing the educational experience for themselves and their students.


The use of royalty-free music in educational contexts presents** a valuable opportunity to enrich teaching and learning, fostering creativity, expression and student engagement.**

Throughout this article, we have explored various aspects of this topic, from accessible music sources to legal and technical considerations for effective use.

The conscious integration of royalty-free music not only improves the quality of educational resources, but also serves as a model for respect for intellectual property and creativity.

By educating students about the ethical use of digital resources, preparing them to be responsible creators and consumers in the digital world,** educators can foster a culture of innovation and respect for creative work**.

We encourage educators and content creators to actively explore the possibilities that royalty-free music offers.

In doing so,** they can discover new ways to capture the imagination of their students and enrich their educational experience.**

In addition, participating in resource-sharing and collaborative communities can expand access to quality music and promote ethical and legal sharing practices.

Music has the power to transform education, and by carefully navigating the copyright landscape, educators can leverage this valuable resource to inspire and motivate future generations.

Frequently asked questions