No monthly payments. Pay once, get the music for life!

Non Copyright Music for Roblox Edits

Take your Roblox creations to a new level with our essential guide to royalty-free music. Learn how to integrate music legally, avoid complications and unleash your creativity. Discover the power of music in your games and experiences today!

Rainy Day
dreamy fantasyv-log
Unlimited power
Black & White

There's more music!

That's only the tip of the iceberg. We have many more songs, all available with our lifetime licenses:

Why you should purchase from us

Discover the simplest and most cost-effective way to secure a lifetime license – pay once and never worry about account creation or password hassles again! Our licenses are your ticket to the best music, valid for any project, forever.

Get your license now!

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Music Plans

Pay once, use for a lifetime

You’ll never have to worry again about copyrights or claims.


Suited for personal projects and social media (Youtube not included)

$49 / forever

Buy plan
  • Personal projects
  • Social Media
  • Clients work
  • Online Advertising
  • TV, Cinema and Radio
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Most popular

Ideal for Youtube. apps, podcast and gameplays. Unlimited downloads and channels.

$99 / forever

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  • Social Media
  • Youtube & Streaming
  • Apps & Videogames
  • Clients work
  • Online Advertising
  • TV, Cinema and Radio
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Ideal if you're a freelancer or a business. All covered, unlimited downloads and channels

$199 / forever

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  • Any Possible Use Case
  • Clients work
  • Online Advertising
  • TV, Cinema and Radio
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👉No need to create an account

👉A lifetime license, forever

👉No more ‘clearing’ channels

We currently offer 241 songs from 30 different genres


Don't take our word for it

“I was skeptical at first but Legis Music has exceeded my expectations. Their music library is diverse and constantly updated, making it easy to find the perfect track for any project. Plus, the peace of mind that comes with that royalty-free license is priceless.”

Kate Alexander
Kate Alexander
Marketing Department

“@legismusic has made my life as a video editor so much easier. The lifetime license is a no-brainer and the fact that I don’t have to worry about clearing channels or getting copyright strikes is a huge weight off my shoulders. The affordable cost and extensive music library make it the go-to source for all my music needs.”

Anthony Davila
Anthony Davila
Content Creator

“As a podcast creator, finding the right music to complement my content can be a challenge, but Legis Music has made it so easy. Their lifetime licenses are affordable and the fact that I can use the music on Spotify and Apple Music is a huge relief. A no-brainer for any podcaster.”

Cheryl B.
Cheryl B.
Podcast Host

“I was blown away by the value offered by Legis Music's lifetime royalty-free licenses. The cost is incredibly affordable and having the peace of mind to use the music for my clients without worrying about copyright strikes is priceless. I highly recommend this to anyone in need of music for their projects.”

Claire Simpson
Claire Simpson

“It was important for me to find a cost-effective solution for my company’s music needs. Legis Music’s business plan was the perfect fit and the lifetime licenses have been a game-changer. We can now use the music for all of our projects without any worries about copyright strikes. Highly recommend to any business in need of music.”

Logan Hamilton
Logan Hamilton
Business Owner

“The quality of the music is top-notch, and the licensing terms are crystal clear, saving me from any copyright hassles.”

Mark Johnson
Mark Johnson
Audiobook creator

“Legis Music has improved the way I create content. The selection of royalty-free music is great and the quality is unbeatable. I can now add the perfect sound to my videos without any stress or added costs. Highly recommended!”

Patrick Oliver
Patrick Oliver

“I've been using Legis Music for my YouTube channel for the past few months, and I couldn't be happier with the service.”

Sarah Thompson
Sarah Thompson
Youtube Channel Manager

“As a video game creator, having access to high-quality music for my games is crucial. @legismusic lifetime licenses are a steal and the fact that I don’t have to worry about any type of copyrights in the future is a huge relief. The extensive library makes it easy to find the perfect tracks for my games.”

Dennis Garcia
Dennis Garcia
Game Developer

“The audio quality is excellent, and I've never experienced any copyright issues since using their music. The licensing terms are transparent, which is essential for content creators like myself.”

Emily Rodriguez
Emily Rodriguez
Content Creator

“As a freelance producer, I need to keep costs down and Legis Music has been a huge help for me. The user-friendly platform and affordable pricing make it easy for me to access top-notch music for my clients. Anyone in need of royalty-free music should give it a shot.”

Lauren K.
Lauren K.

Roblox has established itself as one of the most innovative and popular gaming and creation platforms in the digital world.

Its uniqueness lies in allowing users not only to participate in a vast array of games, but also to design and share their own creations, turning them from mere spectators into active creators.

In this environment, music plays a crucial role, capable of transforming game experiences, enhancing narratives and connecting emotionally with players.

However, the use of music in Roblox is not without its challenges, especially when it comes to copyright.

The goal of this article is to explore in depth royalty-free music, a viable and legal solution for content creators in Roblox looking to enrich their games and experiences without infringing on intellectual property laws.

We will cover from the basics of what constitutes royalty-free music to how to effectively integrate it into your Roblox creations, thus ensuring that the legal and ethical aspects are handled with due diligence.

Basics of Royalty-Free music

Royalty-free music is music that can be used freely without the need to pay licensing fees or face legal copyright restrictions.

However, it is important to distinguish between the different types of music accessible without copyright infringement:

  • Public Domain Music: This music has passed the term of copyright protection and has been released into the public domain, meaning that it can be used by anyone without the need to ask permission or pay for licenses.
  • Royalty-Free Music: Although this music is copyrighted, the creator has granted a broad license for its use. This often means that, after a one-time payment, the music can be used multiple times without incurring additional costs.
  • Creative Commons licenses: This type of license allows artists to specify the conditions under which others may use their work. Some Creative Commons licenses allow commercial use and modification of the work, as long as credit is given to the original author.

The use of music without infringing copyright is crucial in digital projects, including those in Roblox, for several reasons.

First, it ensures that creators respect the law and avoid potential lawsuits.

Second, it encourages ethics and respect for the creative work of others.

And third, it allows content creators to access a wide variety of resources that can enrich their projects and offer more immersive experiences to users.

To enrich your Roblox creations with music that doesn’t infringe copyright, it’s essential to know where to look.

Fortunately, there are several online platforms and libraries dedicated to providing music that you can safely and legally use in your projects.

Here are some of the most reliable sources:

  • Royalty-Free Music libraries: websites such as Epidemic Sound, PremiumBeat, and AudioJungle offer extensive catalogs of music that you can use in your Roblox projects by paying a license fee. These platforms often offer a wide variety of genres and styles, ensuring that you find the perfect track for your game or experience.
  • Creative Commons Music Platforms : Sites such as Free Music Archive and Jamendo Music allow users to access music under Creative Commons licenses. It is crucial to check the type of license for each track, as some may require attribution or may not allow commercial use.
  • YouTube Audio Library : YouTube offers a library of free music and sound effects that you can use in your projects, including commercially. The library is updated regularly, which means that new material is always available.
  • Public Domain Sites: For music that has fallen into the public domain, Project Gutenberg and Musopen are valuable resources. Here you can find classical recordings and compositions that are not in the public domain.

Always check the terms of use for each track and make sure you comply with them.

Give credit to music creators when necessary, following the specifics of each license.

Consider contacting the artists or music owners directly to obtain specific permissions or clarify doubts about the use of their works.

Integrating music into your Roblox creations can be a simple process, but it requires attention to some technical and creative details.

Here is a step-by-step guide to do it effectively:

Step 1: Import Music to Roblox

Before importing music, make sure you have the audio files in a Roblox-compatible format, such as MP3 or OGG.

In Roblox Studio, use the import feature to upload your audio file to your account.

Please note that Roblox may require an upload fee for audio content, which is paid with Robux.

Step 2: Integrate music into your game or experience

Once your music is uploaded, you can use the Roblox Studio Explorer to add it to your game.

You can set music to loop, start at specific times, or be triggered by in-game events.

Experiment with placing sound sources in different locations in your game to create immersive environments or sound effects.

Step 3: Creative and technical aspects

Consider the volume, timing, and relevance of the music to different areas or scenes of your game.

The music should complement the gaming experience without being overwhelming.

Use music to enhance the narrative or atmosphere of your game.

For example, tense music can increase excitement in an action scene, while a calm melody can be perfect for exploration areas.

By following these steps and tips, you can significantly enrich your Roblox projects with music, improving the overall experience for your players without compromising the legal and ethical issues associated with using copyrighted content.

The use of music on Roblox, as in any other medium, is subject to important legal and ethical considerations that must be carefully managed by creators to avoid copyright violations and potential legal consequences.

Copyright protects the creation of original works, including music, by giving the creator the exclusive right to use his or her work.

Using music without proper permission may result in copyright infringement.

Importance of respecting the rights of musical creators:

Respecting copyright is not only a legal obligation but also a matter of professional ethics and respect for the creative work of others.

Using music with proper licenses or permissions demonstrates commitment to fair and ethical practices.

If you are facing a music copyright dispute in your Roblox creations, it is crucial to act quickly and informedly.

First, check the validity of the claim.

If you used music without the proper rights, it may be necessary to remove the music from your game or acquire the appropriate license.

In cases where you believe you have the necessary rights to use the music, you can file a counterclaim explaining your situation.

However, it is advisable to seek legal advice to navigate these complex situations.

The conscious and respectful inclusion of royalty-free music on Roblox not only enriches the gaming experience but also supports a sustainable and ethical content creation community.

By following established guidelines and respecting copyright laws, developers can freely explore their musical creativity, ensuring their works are both legal and innovative.

Additional resources and tools

To maximize the potential of music in your Roblox creations,** it’s helpful to know and access a variety of resources and tools. **

Here are a few that can be very useful for both beginners and advanced users.

  • Incompetech : Extensive free music library organized by genres and moods, ideal for projects of all kinds.
  • Bensound: Offers a variety of free tracks under Creative Commons licenses, perfect for use in different types of games and experiences in Roblox.

Music and audio editing tools

  • Audacity : A free and open source audio editing program that allows you to manipulate audio tracks, ideal for adjusting the length or quality of the sound.
  • FL Studio : Music production software that offers advanced capabilities for composing, arranging, recording, editing, mixing and mastering professional-quality music.

Communities and forums for musical content creators

  • Discord and Reddit : Platforms with active communities of Roblox creators, where you can find advice, collaborations and support for your musical projects.
  • SoundCloud : Although it is known for sharing music, it also hosts communities of creators and could be a place to discover artists willing to collaborate on Roblox projects.

By exploring these trends, innovations, and resources, Roblox creators can not only comply with legal regulations, but also boost creativity and deliver unforgettable experiences to users.

Music has the power to transform games and virtual experiences, and with the right tools and approaches, its potential within Roblox is limitless.


The integration of copyright-free music into Roblox is more than just a measure to avoid legal violations; is a gateway to creative innovation and deep immersion into the world of game design and development.

Throughout this article, we have explored everything from the fundamentals of royalty-free music to the techniques and resources to effectively incorporate it into your creations, including the legal and ethical implications that this entails.

We have seen how the right music can enrich the gaming experience, intensifying emotions, reinforcing the narrative and improving the overall atmosphere of the creations in Roblox.

Additionally, music has the power to connect creators with their audiences in unique ways, creating lasting memories and shared experiences.

The trend toward greater customization and the inclusion of virtual music events signals an exciting future for Roblox and its community.

As the platform continues to evolve, so do the opportunities for creators to explore new forms of music integration, from custom soundtracks to live concerts and immersive experiences.

This article has also highlighted the importance of respecting copyright and ethical practices in content creation.

In an increasingly interconnected digital world, respecting the work of other creators is not only a legal obligation, but also a fundamental pillar for a sustainable and respectful creative community.

Lastly, we encourage Roblox creators to explore the resources and tools available to them, experiment with music in their games and experiences, and continue to innovate within this unique space.

Copyright-free music is not only a legal requirement; it is an opportunity to enrich your creations, differentiate yourself and leave a memorable mark in the Roblox community.

The path to effectively integrating music into Roblox is full of possibilities.

With the right knowledge, tools, and a creative approach, creators can transform their games and experiences, making Roblox an even more vibrant and exciting space for everyone.

Frequently asked questions