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Music for aquagym classes

Amplify your aquagym experience! Dive into how music can boost your workout, enhance motivation, and set the rhythm of your splash. Ready to transform your water exercises? Click to explore the power of playlists in aquagym now!

Start the Celebration
Hot Sax
Funk Club
Move It
Fast Run

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That's only the tip of the iceberg. We have many more songs, all available with our lifetime licenses:

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Discover the simplest and most cost-effective way to secure a lifetime license – pay once and never worry about account creation or password hassles again! Our licenses are your ticket to the best music, valid for any project, forever.

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Music Plans

Pay once, use for a lifetime

You’ll never have to worry again about copyrights or claims.


Suited for personal projects and social media (Youtube not included)

$19 / forever

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  • Personal projects
  • Social Media
  • Clients work
  • Online Advertising
  • TV, Cinema and Radio
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Ideal for Youtube. apps, podcast and gameplays. Unlimited downloads and channels.

$49 / forever

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  • Social Media
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  • Apps & Videogames
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  • Online Advertising
  • TV, Cinema and Radio
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Ideal if you're a freelancer or a business. All covered, unlimited downloads and channels

$99 / forever

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  • Any Possible Use Case
  • Clients work
  • Online Advertising
  • TV, Cinema and Radio
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👉A lifetime license, forever

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We currently offer 241 songs from 30 different genres


Don't take our word for it

“I was skeptical at first but Legis Music has exceeded my expectations. Their music library is diverse and constantly updated, making it easy to find the perfect track for any project. Plus, the peace of mind that comes with that royalty-free license is priceless.”

Kate Alexander
Kate Alexander
Marketing Department

“@legismusic has made my life as a video editor so much easier. The lifetime license is a no-brainer and the fact that I don’t have to worry about clearing channels or getting copyright strikes is a huge weight off my shoulders. The affordable cost and extensive music library make it the go-to source for all my music needs.”

Anthony Davila
Anthony Davila
Content Creator

“As a podcast creator, finding the right music to complement my content can be a challenge, but Legis Music has made it so easy. Their lifetime licenses are affordable and the fact that I can use the music on Spotify and Apple Music is a huge relief. A no-brainer for any podcaster.”

Cheryl B.
Cheryl B.
Podcast Host

“I was blown away by the value offered by Legis Music's lifetime royalty-free licenses. The cost is incredibly affordable and having the peace of mind to use the music for my clients without worrying about copyright strikes is priceless. I highly recommend this to anyone in need of music for their projects.”

Claire Simpson
Claire Simpson

“It was important for me to find a cost-effective solution for my company’s music needs. Legis Music’s business plan was the perfect fit and the lifetime licenses have been a game-changer. We can now use the music for all of our projects without any worries about copyright strikes. Highly recommend to any business in need of music.”

Logan Hamilton
Logan Hamilton
Business Owner

“The quality of the music is top-notch, and the licensing terms are crystal clear, saving me from any copyright hassles.”

Mark Johnson
Mark Johnson
Audiobook creator

“Legis Music has improved the way I create content. The selection of royalty-free music is great and the quality is unbeatable. I can now add the perfect sound to my videos without any stress or added costs. Highly recommended!”

Patrick Oliver
Patrick Oliver

“I've been using Legis Music for my YouTube channel for the past few months, and I couldn't be happier with the service.”

Sarah Thompson
Sarah Thompson
Youtube Channel Manager

“As a video game creator, having access to high-quality music for my games is crucial. @legismusic lifetime licenses are a steal and the fact that I don’t have to worry about any type of copyrights in the future is a huge relief. The extensive library makes it easy to find the perfect tracks for my games.”

Dennis Garcia
Dennis Garcia
Game Developer

“The audio quality is excellent, and I've never experienced any copyright issues since using their music. The licensing terms are transparent, which is essential for content creators like myself.”

Emily Rodriguez
Emily Rodriguez
Content Creator

“As a freelance producer, I need to keep costs down and Legis Music has been a huge help for me. The user-friendly platform and affordable pricing make it easy for me to access top-notch music for my clients. Anyone in need of royalty-free music should give it a shot.”

Lauren K.
Lauren K.

Key Takeaways

  1. Importance of Music: Music is fundamental in aquagym classes, serving as a motivational tool that enhances both physical performance and psychological well-being of participants.
  2. Psychological Impact: Music significantly affects exercise motivation and performance, helping participants to exercise more intensely and for longer periods while improving mood and enjoyment of the activity.
  3. Effective Music Selection: Choosing the right music involves considering tempo, volume, and acoustics, as well as the musical genres that best suit the various phases and goals of the aquagym class.
  4. Building Dynamic Playlists: Creating a playlist involves structuring it according to the phases of the class, varying the musical genres, and regularly updating it to maintain interest and motivation.
  5. Playlist and Track Recommendations: Providing examples of playlists for different types of aquagym classes, highlighting the importance of tailoring musical selection to the specific objectives of each session.
  6. Technical Implementation of Music: Using appropriate equipment and technology to play music in aquatic environments, ensuring that sound is clear and that volume is balanced so as not to interfere with the instructor’s instructions.
  7. Future of Music in Aquagym: Exploring trends and technological advancements that could further enrich the aquagym experience with music, such as immersive sound systems and interactive music selection.
  8. Continuous Exploration and Adaptation: Encouraging instructors and participants to experiment with music in aquagym classes, adapting musical selections to participants’ responses and preferences, and staying abreast of innovations and research in the field of music and exercise.

Aquagym, also known as water aerobics, is a popular form of exercise that combines the principles of aerobics with the natural resistance provided by water.

Conducted in a swimming pool, aquagym sessions offer a low-impact yet effective workout suitable for individuals of all ages and fitness levels.

The buoyancy of water reduces the strain on joints and muscles, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a gentler form of exercise, rehabilitation from injuries, or simply a refreshing way to stay fit.

The unique environment of aquagym provides a versatile platform for a variety of exercises, ranging from cardiovascular routines to strength training and flexibility exercises.

Classes can vary in intensity and are often set to music, which not only enhances the enjoyment and motivation of participants but also plays a crucial role in the pacing and structure of the workout.

The role of music in aquagym

Music is a powerful tool in any fitness regimen, and its importance in aquagym cannot be overstated.

It serves multiple purposes: setting the rhythm for exercises, creating an energizing atmosphere, and helping participants to stay engaged and motivated throughout the session.

The right playlist can transform an aquagym class, turning it into an invigorating and enjoyable experience that encourages regular participation.

In aquagym, music acts as a non-verbal cue, guiding participants through the workout with changes in tempo and intensity.

It synchronizes movements, ensuring that exercises are performed at an optimal pace for both cardiovascular health and muscle strengthening.

Additionally, music contributes to the overall ambiance, making the workout environment more vibrant and stimulating.

The psychological impact of music on exercise

Enhancing motivation and performance

The psychological effects of music on exercise performance and motivation have been extensively studied. ç

Music has the ability to distract from the physical sensations of fatigue, allowing individuals to exercise longer and at a higher intensity.

It can also evoke emotional responses that boost endurance and reduce the perceived effort of the workout.

Rhythmic elements of music, such as tempo and beat, can directly influence the pace of exercise, leading to more efficient movements and better synchronization in group settings.

This is particularly beneficial in aquagym, where the resistance of water requires consistent effort and coordination.

Music’s effect on mood and enjoyment

Listening to music during exercise not only improves performance but also **enhances mood and increases enjoyment. **

It triggers the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward, making the exercise experience more satisfying.

Music can also foster a sense of community and connection among participants in aquagym classes.

Shared musical experiences create a positive social atmosphere, encouraging camaraderie and support within the group.

This social aspect is a significant motivator for continued participation and contributes to the overall effectiveness of aquagym as a form of exercise.

In summary, the integration of music into aquagym classes offers substantial benefits, both physically and psychologically.

By carefully selecting and employing music, instructors can elevate the aquagym experience, enhancing the well-being and satisfaction of their participants.

Characteristics of effective aquagym music

Tempo and rhythm

The tempo of music, measured in beats per minute (BPM), is a critical factor in its effectiveness for aquagym classes.

Music with a BPM that matches the desired pace of the workout can help participants maintain a consistent level of effort and synchronize their movements with the exercises.

For example, a slower tempo is suited for warm-up and cool-down phases, whereas a faster tempo supports high-energy cardiovascular workouts.

The rhythm of the music should be clear and pronounced, providing a strong auditory cue for timing movements, especially important in water where resistance can slow motion.

Volume and acoustics in water environments

The aquatic environment poses unique challenges for the delivery of music, including issues related to volume and sound clarity.

Sound behaves differently underwater, and the acoustics of a pool area can affect how music is heard.

Volume levels must be sufficient to be heard over the noise of the water and ambient sounds without being uncomfortably loud for participants.

Additionally, the equipment used to play music must be capable of delivering clear, undistorted sound that can fill the space effectively.

Musical genres and preferences

While the tempo and rhythm are fundamental,** the choice of musical genres can greatly influence the enjoyment and motivation of participants. **

Aquagym classes can benefit from a diverse playlist that includes a range of genres to cater to different tastes and preferences.

Popular choices include pop, dance, Latin, and even classical music with a lively tempo.

The key is to select music that is upbeat and energizing, with a positive vibe that encourages movement and lifts spirits.

Selecting music for different aquagym sessions

Warm-up and cool-down tracks

The beginning and end of an aquagym session require music that prepares the body for exercise and aids in recovery afterward.

Warm-up tracks should have a moderate tempo that gradually increases in intensity, helping to elevate heart rate and loosen muscles.

For cool-downs, music should be calming and slower-paced, assisting in bringing the heart rate down and promoting relaxation.

High-energy sessions

For sessions focused on cardiovascular health or high-intensity interval training (HIIT), selecting tracks with a fast tempo and energetic rhythm is crucial.

These songs should inspire participants to push their limits and maintain a high level of activity.

The music for these parts of the session can be more intense, with dynamic beats that match the vigor of the exercises.

Relaxation and stretching sessions

Classes that incorporate relaxation and stretching, such as those aimed at flexibility or mind-body connection, benefit from music with a slow to moderate tempo that encourages deep breathing and gradual movements.

Instrumental tracks or songs with soothing melodies are ideal, creating a peaceful atmosphere conducive to relaxation and focus.

By thoughtfully selecting music that aligns with the goals of each part of the aquagym session, instructors can significantly enhance the workout experience for their participants.

The right music not only guides the class structure but also amplifies the benefits of aquagym, making it a more effective and enjoyable form of exercise.

Creating your aquagym playlist

Tips for building a dynamic playlist

Building an effective aquagym playlist involves more than just choosing songs with the right tempo.

It’s about creating a dynamic, engaging experience that motivates participants throughout the session.

Here are some tips for crafting your playlist:

  • Start with structure: Begin by outlining the structure of your aquagym class, including warm-up, high-energy intervals, strength training, cooldown, and any specific exercises. This framework will guide your song selection, ensuring that the energy flow of the music matches the session’s intensity levels.
  • Variety is key: Incorporate a wide range of genres and styles to keep the playlist interesting and cater to diverse musical tastes. Mixing different genres can also help to signal transitions between different parts of the workout.
  • Consider lyrics and themes: Choose songs with positive, uplifting lyrics that inspire and motivate. Avoid tracks with negative or inappropriate content that could detract from the positive atmosphere.
  • Update regularly: Keep your playlist fresh by regularly introducing new tracks and rotating out older ones. This keeps regular attendees engaged and looking forward to what’s next.
  • Feedback loop: Pay attention to how participants respond to different songs and adjust your playlist accordingly. Participant feedback can be invaluable in fine-tuning the musical experience.

Incorporating participant preferences

Engaging with your class about their musical preferences can significantly enhance their workout experience.

Here are a few strategies:

  • Surveys and requests: Use surveys or direct requests to gather information about participants’ favorite genres or songs. This not only makes them feel valued but also ensures the playlist resonates with the group.
  • Dedicated request sessions: Occasionally, dedicate parts of a session to participant requests, allowing them to experience their favorite tracks while working out.
  • Demographic consideration: Tailor your music selection to the demographic makeup of your class, considering factors like age, cultural background, and general music trends that may appeal to the group.

Sample playlists for various aquagym classes

To help you get started, here are some recommended playlists categorized by the type of aquagym class:

  • Cardiovascular focus: A playlist featuring high BPM pop and electronic dance music (EDM) tracks that energize and drive the intensity of cardio workouts.
  • Strength and toning: A mix of rock and upbeat pop songs that have a strong beat to support strength training exercises and toning segments.
  • Relaxation and flexibility: A selection of instrumental music, soft rock, and acoustic tracks that create a calm atmosphere conducive to stretching and relaxation exercises.

Sources for Aquagym Music

There are numerous resources available for finding the perfect tracks for your aquagym sessions:

  • Streaming services: Platforms like Spotify and Apple Music offer curated playlists and the ability to create your own. They also provide recommendations based on your preferences.
  • Fitness music providers: Companies specializing in fitness music provide pre-made playlists designed for different workout types, including aquagym.
  • Online forums and communities: Fitness and aquagym communities online can be great places to exchange music recommendations and discover new tracks popular in the community.

Creating and refining your aquagym playlist is an ongoing process that plays a crucial role in the success and enjoyment of your classes.

By carefully selecting music that fits the workout’s pace, incorporates participant preferences, and is regularly updated, you can significantly enhance the aquagym experience, making every session enjoyable and effective.

Implementing music in aquagym classes

Equipment and technology for playing music in pool areas

The unique environment of aquagym classes requires specific considerations for playing music.

Here’s what to consider:

  • Waterproof speakers: Invest in high-quality, waterproof speakers that deliver clear, undistorted sound even in an open, noisy pool area. Placement is key; speakers should be strategically positioned around the pool for even sound distribution.
  • Portable music devices: Use portable, water-resistant music players or smartphones connected to waterproof speakers. This setup allows for flexibility in music selection and the ability to adjust the playlist in real-time.
  • Volume control: Ensure the music is loud enough to be heard over water splashes and participant chatter, but not so loud as to disturb others or cause discomfort. Balancing the volume is crucial for an enjoyable class experience.

Balancing music with instructor commands and cues

The instructor’s voice is the guiding force in an aquagym class, providing direction and feedback.

Balancing music and verbal instructions involves:

  • Microphone use: A waterproof, head-mounted microphone allows the instructor’s voice to cut through the music, ensuring clear communication.
  • Music volume adjustments: Instructors should have the ability to easily adjust music volume during the class, lowering it during instruction and increasing it during exercise execution.
  • Cueing techniques: Develop cueing techniques that work well with the music’s rhythm, using visual cues alongside verbal instructions to maintain flow even when the music is at its loudest.


Music plays a pivotal role in enhancing the aquagym experience, offering both physical and psychological benefits.

By carefully selecting music that matches the workout’s intensity, employing the right technology for sound delivery, and balancing auditory cues with the instructor’s guidance, aquagym classes can become more effective and enjoyable.

The future of music in aquagym looks promising, with technological advances and ongoing research poised to further enrich this intersection of fitness and music.

Instructors and participants alike are encouraged to explore the power of music in aquagym.

Whether through crafting engaging playlists, integrating the latest sound technology, or staying abreast of new trends and research, there are endless opportunities to enhance the aquagym experience.

Music not only motivates and inspires but also connects us, making every aquagym session a memorable journey through movement and sound.

In sum, the strategic use of music in aquagym classes represents a harmonious blend of art and exercise, a synergy that energizes, uplifts, and brings people together in the pursuit of health and happiness.

Frequently asked questions