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Background music for Facts video

Enhance your educational videos with the perfect background music! Learn how to choose and integrate tunes that boost engagement and retention, all within copyright laws. Make your facts videos not just informative, but unforgettable.

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A Drop in Nowhere
Easy Going
Good Days

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Discover the simplest and most cost-effective way to secure a lifetime license – pay once and never worry about account creation or password hassles again! Our licenses are your ticket to the best music, valid for any project, forever.

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We currently offer 241 songs from 30 different genres


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“I was skeptical at first but Legis Music has exceeded my expectations. Their music library is diverse and constantly updated, making it easy to find the perfect track for any project. Plus, the peace of mind that comes with that royalty-free license is priceless.”

Kate Alexander
Kate Alexander
Marketing Department

“@legismusic has made my life as a video editor so much easier. The lifetime license is a no-brainer and the fact that I don’t have to worry about clearing channels or getting copyright strikes is a huge weight off my shoulders. The affordable cost and extensive music library make it the go-to source for all my music needs.”

Anthony Davila
Anthony Davila
Content Creator

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Cheryl B.
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Podcast Host

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Claire Simpson
Claire Simpson

“It was important for me to find a cost-effective solution for my company’s music needs. Legis Music’s business plan was the perfect fit and the lifetime licenses have been a game-changer. We can now use the music for all of our projects without any worries about copyright strikes. Highly recommend to any business in need of music.”

Logan Hamilton
Logan Hamilton
Business Owner

“The quality of the music is top-notch, and the licensing terms are crystal clear, saving me from any copyright hassles.”

Mark Johnson
Mark Johnson
Audiobook creator

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Patrick Oliver
Patrick Oliver

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Sarah Thompson
Youtube Channel Manager

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Dennis Garcia
Dennis Garcia
Game Developer

“The audio quality is excellent, and I've never experienced any copyright issues since using their music. The licensing terms are transparent, which is essential for content creators like myself.”

Emily Rodriguez
Emily Rodriguez
Content Creator

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Lauren K.
Lauren K.

Key Takeaways

  1. Audience Alignment: Understanding the target audience is crucial for selecting music that resonates with their preferences and enhances their learning experience.
  2. Genre Selection: Choosing the right music genre is essential to set the appropriate tone and mood, which directly impacts viewer perception and information retention.
  3. Mood Enhancement: The music’s mood should complement the tone of the video content, aiding in the effective delivery of information and maintaining viewer interest.Technical Integration: Proper integration of music involves careful balancing of audio levels and precise timing to ensure that the music supports rather than distracts from the factual content.
  4. Copyright Compliance: It is vital to adhere to copyright and licensing requirements when using music, to avoid legal complications and respect the rights of music creators.
  5. Resource Utilization: Utilizing both free and paid music resources can provide a variety of options for background music, allowing creators to choose tracks that best fit their project’s needs and budget.

Background music is a powerful tool in video production, capable of enhancing the viewer’s engagement and learning experience, especially in factual content.

In educational and informational videos, such as facts videos, the right music can set the tone, maintain viewer interest, and make the delivery of information more effective.

This article explores how to choose the best background music for facts videos, considering various elements like genre, mood, audience, and legal considerations.

The significance of background music extends beyond mere aesthetics; it plays a critical role in cognitive processing by helping to organize the information being presented and creating a more immersive learning environment.

By carefully selecting music that complements the content, educators and creators can significantly enhance the impact of their videos.


Understanding the audience

The first step in selecting the right background music for facts videos is understanding who the audience is.

Different demographics may respond better to different types of music, influencing their engagement and retention of the information presented.

  • Identifying the target demographic: Consider factors such as the age, cultural background, and interests of your audience. For instance, younger viewers might prefer contemporary and energetic music, whereas an older audience might appreciate more subdued, classical tunes.
  • Tailoring music choices to audience preferences: After identifying the audience, tailor the music to suit their preferences and expectations. For educational videos aimed at children, playful and vibrant music can make learning more enjoyable. For videos targeted at professionals, on the other hand, more sophisticated, instrumental tracks might be more appropriate to maintain a formal tone.

By aligning the music with the viewer’s preferences and the purpose of the content, creators can effectively enhance the educational impact of their facts videos, ensuring that the information is not only delivered but also well-received and retained.

Selecting the right genre

Choosing the right music genre for facts videos is crucial in setting the appropriate atmosphere and aiding in the delivery of information.

Different genres evoke different feelings and can influence how viewers perceive and absorb the content.

  • Overview of suitable genres: Instrumental genres are often preferred because they lack lyrics that might distract from the spoken content. Classical music, for instance, can lend a sense of authority and serenity, making it suitable for complex educational content. Electronic music, with its varied sub-genres, can be tailored to match more dynamic and modern themes, especially useful in videos aimed at a younger or tech-savvy audience.
  • Influence on viewer perception and retention: The genre selected can also play a role in how well viewers retain the information presented. For example, ambient and minimalist music can help in maintaining focus, reducing cognitive load, and making the absorption of facts easier. Conversely, a mismatched genre, such as heavy metal in a historical documentary, might distract or even detract from the educational experience.

Mood and tone

Aligning the mood of the background music with the tone of the video content is essential for creating a cohesive viewing experience.

Music should enhance, not overshadow, the delivery of facts, acting as a supportive element that helps to communicate the intended message.

If the video addresses serious topics, such as scientific discoveries or historical events, the music should be subtle and dignified, enhancing the gravitas of the subject matter.

For lighter topics, such as fun facts or pop culture, brighter and more upbeat music can be used to reflect the entertaining nature of the content.

By carefully choosing the genre, mood, and tone of the background music, creators can greatly enhance the effectiveness of their facts videos, making them not only more engaging but also more impactful in terms of educational value.

Technical considerations

Integrating background music into facts videos involves several technical aspects to ensure the music complements rather than competes with the information being presented.

Here are some essential technical considerations:

  • Tips for integrating music without distracting from the information: The volume of the background music should be carefully adjusted to ensure it does not drown out or compete with the voiceover. Ideally, music should be prominent enough to set the tone but subtle enough not to distract from the spoken content.
  • Balancing audio levels between music and voiceover: Utilize audio mixing tools to balance the levels effectively. Music should typically be quieter during speaking parts and can be slightly louder during intros, outros, or transitions to highlight these segments without interference.
  • Choosing the right audio editing software: Software like Adobe Premiere Pro, Audacity, and Final Cut Pro offers robust audio editing features that can help you fine-tune the music to fit perfectly with your video content. These tools allow for precise control over volume, fading, and timing, crucial for maintaining the professional quality of educational videos.

Understanding and adhering to copyright and licensing laws is crucial when selecting background music for any video production, especially when intended for public viewing or educational purposes.

Copyrighted music cannot be used without permission, as this could lead to legal issues, including takedowns of your video or fines.

This is particularly important for videos that might be distributed on platforms with strict copyright enforcement policies like YouTube.

Best practices for using royalty-free and licensed music:

  • Royalty-free music: Opt for royalty-free tracks when possible. These are pieces of music licensed for a one-time fee or available without any licensing fee, allowing unlimited use.Websites like Bensound, Free Music Archive, and PremiumBeat offer extensive libraries of royalty-free music suitable for educational content.
  • Licensed music: If a specific piece of music is needed that is not available royalty-free, it may be necessary to purchase a license. Licensing music legally ensures compliance with copyright laws and supports the artists and creators of the music. Music licensing platforms like AudioJungle and Musicbed provide options for legally licensing music for video use.

By paying close attention to these technical and legal aspects, creators can enhance their factual videos with background music that not only boosts engagement and learning outcomes but also adheres to professional standards of production.

Finding the right background music for facts videos can be streamlined by knowing where to look. Here are some recommended sources for obtaining high-quality, appropriate music:

Free music libraries

These platforms offer a variety of tracks that can be used without any cost, which is particularly beneficial for educators or content creators on a budget.

Examples include:

  • YouTube Audio Library : A reliable resource that provides a wide range of music, easily searchable by genre, mood, or instrument, specifically tailored for YouTube video creators.
  • Free Music Archive : Known for its diverse collection of music that can be used for educational and personal projects under Creative Commons licenses.

For a broader selection of high-quality tracks, paid services offer extensive libraries of music that can be licensed for use in videos.

These platforms often provide more refined filtering options to find the perfect track for your content:

  • AudioJungle : Offers affordable music tracks across various genres with simple licensing terms.
  • Musicbed : Known for its high-quality tracks and simple licensing process, ideal for professional content creators looking for specific moods or styles.

Comparing free vs. Paid music resources

While free resources are excellent for budget-conscious projects, paid services typically offer more extensive selections and better quality recordings, which can be crucial for creating a professional appearance in educational content.


Incorporating background music into facts videos is a nuanced art that requires careful consideration of several key aspects to effectively enhance the educational experience.

From understanding the target audience to selecting the appropriate genre and mood, every decision plays a crucial role in how information is perceived and retained by viewers.

Moreover, mastering the technical aspects of sound editing ensures that the music complements rather than overshadows the content, while adhering to copyright and licensing laws safeguards creators against potential legal issues.

The recommended music sources, both free and paid, provide a wealth of options for creators to find the right soundtrack that fits their budget and project needs.

Ultimately, the strategic use of background music in facts videos not only enhances the aesthetic appeal but also supports the educational goals by making learning more dynamic and memorable.

As video content continues to be a dominant medium for education, understanding and leveraging the elements of sound design will remain essential for educators and content creators aiming to maximize the effectiveness of their factual presentations.

Frequently asked questions